The 31st International Congress of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT) will take place in Heilbronn, Germany from Thursday October 10th to Friday October 11th 2019. The theme of the congress will be „Technology drives medicine“.
The meeting will be held at the Congress Centre Harmonie, located in the centre of Heilbronn, an inspiring city, which combines a history of wine cultivation with modern industry of car production (AUDI), food technology and alternative energy sources. In 2019 Heilbronn will host the German Garden Expo.
The meeting will focus on minimally invasive surgery including flexible” surgery and robotics, which concerns all faculties like urology, surgery, gynaecology, and ENT. Further topics are “interventional radiology, computer-assisted medicine, nanotechnology & nanomedicine, smart technologies, future OR & logistics, vision for the future, next generation technologies.
Following the long tradition of this innovative meeting, the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas as well as the direct contact with our partners from the industry represent the main goal of SMIT 2019.