A.S. Goezen (DE)
B. Petrut (RO)
G. Pini (IT)
P. Umari (IT)
E-BLUS (European Training in Basic Laparoscopic Urological Skills)
EAU’s standardised basic laparoscopy training Programme
The European School of Urology and EAU Section for Uro-Technology (ESUT) designed the E-BLUS programme to standardise basic laparoscopic training.
The E-BLUS programme includes an online theoretical laparoscopy course and a four-step Hands-on training (HOT) session. These basic skills can be then tested after the training in a validated exam. The E-BLUS certificate is unique and the only one on the world to be awarded following an exam. With this programme, the EAU has improved laparoscopic skills across the world.
E-BLUS has rapidly gained attention from young urologists and particularly residents in training. The online theoretical part with basic laparoscopic knowledge is easy to understand and can be taken online in EAU website. E-BLUS has been in the last years part of national and international congresses and laparoscopy courses worldwide.
In E-BLUS hands-on training Program, trainees get the chance to learn and train the basic laparoscopy techniques. They will work with experienced international tutors and take a one-to-one training course with personal training advice at the end.
We are offering E-BLUS practical training and exam in SMIT meeting in Heilbronn and inviting all the interested colleagues to take this famous and important course.
A.S. Goezen (DE)
J. Klein (DE)
M. Georgiev (BG)
S. Micali (IT)
K. Yanev (BG)
Workshop P.O.P. Training in Laparoscopy
Robotic surgery is on the rise. Despite this trend laparoscopy still plays a major role in urological surgery. In this workshop laparoscopic techniques in kidney surgery are trained using a modified animal bench model. A pair of pulsatile perfused pig kidneys serve as training model. After a short briefing the participants are splitted up in small groups. The surgical techniques are explained and shown by an expert trainer. Afterwards the techniques are trained on the animal bench model. Following excercises can be performed: laparoscopic nephrectomy, laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection, management of different kinds of bleeding using clipping and/or suturing techniques. In the end questions and tips and tricks will be discussed with trainers.
P.O.P.-trainer in the Garden of technology
J. Klein (DE)
A. Miernik (DE)
M-C. Rassweiler-Seyfried (DE)
D. Veneziano (IT)
Workshop Retrograde intrarenal surgery / flexible ureteroscopy.
Endoscopic working techniques had a major impact on modern stone surgery. This workshop endoscopic surgery techniques are trained using an animal bench model. a pigs`urinary tract serves as a model. After a short briefing the participants are splitted up in small groups. The surgical techniques are explained and shown by an expert trainer. Afterwards the techniques are trained on the animal bench model. Following excercises can be performed:Handling of the endoscopic gear, entering of the urinary tract, handling of different wires and baskets for stone treatment. In the end of the course questions and tips and tricks will be discussed with trainers.
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